Church Renovations Update

Fellow parishioners, I hope that you and your loved ones are all well and enjoying the final weeks of summer. I wanted to take this time to share my gratitude for your continued support of St. Joseph of the Holy Family Church, especially during these most trying times. Your continued and generous weekly support has allowed us to offset some of the rising costs necessary to keep the church operational.

Thus far, we have made a significant amount of investments to the church that Iā€™m hoping you have had a chance to see for yourself. To name a few, our sound system has been updated to meet New York

City mandates, our Wheelchair accessible ramp has been updated to accommodate our wheelchair bound parishioners, we have installed a new security system, and a new security gate to keep the church safe, we upgraded the church bell that was out of service for the past two years, and last but not least we have just completed the construction on our rectory garden. We hope to use the garden as a place to worship and unite in fellowship as a parish family. Again, these improvements are all because of your support and we prayerfully ask that you continue to be generous as our work is far from done.

Now that the garden is complete the final finishing touch is to add a status of the Holy Family and we hope that with your support we can purchase and unveil the statue soon. Additionally, we are getting ready to start construction in Komora Hall. We will first work on remodeling the kitchen while we get city approvals to work on the remainder of the space. Komora Hall for years has been a place to gather after mass in fellowship, celebrate key feasts, and also support our very own Food Pantry. The renovation is long overdue and we are looking forward to getting it all done so that we can resume gathering as a family in this space. Again, thank you for your continued generous support. Fr. Kinda


English as a Second Language Classes in October


In Remembrance Sylvan Porginot